mercredi 27 octobre 2010


Excluding tax! In total it would cost like RM50 for a two-pair set fml.
I refrained myself from buying in Hokkaido. Then when i went to Tokyo’s Don Quixote (discount store) i thought i could buy it cheaper but no. Same price. I tahaned until the last day i shopped in Shibuya and i saw it again, i stood in front of the rack and hesitated for 10 whole minutes before i walked away.
It was so expensive and almost not worth it T_T.
Ok, definitely NOT worth it. Because they prolly spent 70% on the packaging and paying for Masawaka Tsubasa’s plastic surgery T_T.
I can always do a Tsubasa Dolly Wink Cheat One™.

Modelled after Ranzuki Feb 2010’s Aya Suzuki.
So! Those of you who want to save $, this tutorial attempts to mimic a No.7 Vivid Pop Bottom lash Cheat One™. Also i found new techniques to further emphasize on the Miliyah Puppy Eyes. Pay attention!

Start with nude face + color contacts.
Curl your fringe with a velcro curler.

My lenses are Anime lens from Vivi fashion. Please don’t ask anymore.
(I dunno why after coming back from Japan my skin actually miraculously became a lot better (touch wood long long wtf) and saves me so much time on PS!!!)

After foundation everything all, use a dark shade of brown to shade the side of your nose.

It is okay if it looks really dark, just blend it with your finger or brush (i prefer using finger) and highlight the bridge with a bright shade of eyeshadow. I’m sure you all know la!

I’m using earthy colors for my eyes. And since i have bangs, i can be lazy on my brows. Yea, Cheat One™.

Next is drawing eyeliner.
For top eyeline, extend it slightly downwards at the end to create the puppy eye effect. And then, using sharp kohl pencil, join the point where the top line ends and spread along the bottom line until the middle. It is okay to have a lot of space in between and don’t freak out if you look scary nao.
This is to create super huge eyes + puppy eye effect X2!

Apply mascara where the bottom liner ends, all the way to the inner corner of your eye (leave the lashes at the outer corner clean).

And then the Cheat One™ Magic starts!

Take out one piece of false lashes (it could be one of those you have recycled many times and too worn to use but too heartache to throw away).
And then use a small pair of scissors and cut them into small little parts. You need about 6 of it for both your eyes, and i reckon one piece of lashes is just nice.

Use a tweezer, clip the pointy part and dab the top part slightly with eyelash glue, then stick it onto your bottom eyeline.
(Important: stick it just on where you draw your eyeliner and NOT the actual lash line.)

Repeat 5 more times, stick about 3 at each side.
And TADAA you have a Cheat One™ no.7 Vivid Pop by Dolly Wink!!!
That one piece of lash is prolly gonna cost you what, RM2? Instead of RM50 for the Real One™ Dolly Wink. Ish.

To complete the Ranzuki look, use a honey orange blusher.

And then for that Gyaru look, use a small amount of concealer on your lips.

Then apply nude lip color!

Dab some gloss and FINISH!


It is not my best tutorial because it’s a bit messy :(  And too lazy to PS it nice. Hope to get it done perfectly with practice next time!!
Hope you feel cheated! ^^

Hair Accessories

Wa so many people asked me where i buy my hair accessories. I buy them everywhere! And some are not even meant for hair.
Actually to be honest you can use anything to decorate your hair! Just depends on how creative you are.
Today i’ll do a short demo how you can use arm bangles to accessorize your hair.

Bangles and mesh top from BACI.

You can tie up your hair in a small bun, but not so small that the bangles go loose.

Scarf from Zara (Japan). <3 <3 <3
Or do a bigger, flowy hair bun. Bangles will fit just perfectly in it. And the flowy hair prevents them from falling out too.

See, simple!!
Make up post next!

Pure Little Cheat One™

So it is a small cheat. lol.

This is one of the Dolly Wink called Pure Little. What turf does that even mean lol.

Tsubasa in dark hair and red lips.
And my cheat:

Pure Little look:
1. Big dark brown wavy hair (wig from Kimono Cottage)
2. Green contacts
3. Red, glossy lips
4. Leopard print nails (which i failed to cheat cuz no time)
5. Pure Little bottom lash. (Which of course is the most important key but i used some random lash from DonQuixote. Have to cheat even the cheat.)

I hardly do red lips because they look horrible on me. i guess really have to be careful and really match the rest of the make-up.

The wig i’m using is this one. Only RM80. Pretty good quality and cheap max.

Added big bow for maximum pure little effect (sounds oxymoronic lolol).

That’s all!
Happy Cheating!
Next up is a Lis Lisa Cheat One™. Stay cheesed!

This color is the closest to real life i think. No photoshop.
But later i will PS all my pictures so if you want to refer to the color, this picture is the unedited one.

Edited. Pink lenses from ViviFashion.

After i tonged my hair.
Since i’m in such awesome mood nao, imma show you different ways to use a fluffy scrunchie.



(Ok i dunno what it is called, exactly. Whatever.)
I love fluffy scrunchy because they are very tight and secure. I don’t need rubber bands prior to using it! So just use one scrunchie, you can transform your hair into many looks.

Way 1.
Tie a small chunk of hair. Will make you look underaged. Most of the models from Hanachu, Pichi Lemon, Nicola and Love Berry do this hair style. I don’t really like it but well, just for varieties.

Way 2.
Tie a chunk of hair into a small bun.

Way 3.
Tie a half pony tail.

Will look liddis.

Way 4.
Half pony tail but you just pull the fluffy scrunchie downwards for that effect. I dunno how to explain la.

Will look liddis. It happens when i was trying to pull out the scrunchie but half way through i was like, hey, it looks kinda nice wtf. Cheat One™.

Way 5.
Tie up all your hair into a bun. This look is very casual. And super convenient for this bloody hot CNY weather. Everybody should have a fluffy scrunchie.

Way 6.
Erm, just pull out the aforementioned bun in a scrunchie and you will end up having this.

Haih. Without my hair extensions nao it looks so short fml T_____T. I have no confidence to do fluffy hair bun anymore T_____T.

No more fluffy scrunchie liao. Just wanna show off new hair.

Hope you all feel cheated again and have learnt absolutely nothing at all.